Sunday, 14 July 2013

Welcome to Term 3!

We have an exciting term planned in Grade 5.

We will be focusing on: narratives in writing, fractions and decimals in maths, as well as money and finances, mapping and chance. In reading we will keeping working on our Daily Five activities and CAFE reading strategies. In Inquiry we will be learning about the Gold Rush and Australian history.

And of course we have camp in just 2 weeks! And we are visiting Sovereign Hill on the way to camp, so w will be able to learn more about Australian history there.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! We're back to school! I hope you enjoyed your holidays folks! I enjoyed mine! Even if school is back, I'll be always doing my video stuff, as well as school stuff. So if you have any questions about my videos, contact me at So let's get learning folks!
