Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Mordialloc College Excursion

This week all the Year 5 classes visited the very impressive Mordialloc College and had the chance to participate in some real high school classes...

Athan in art class.

Scientist at work!

More Scientists

Pizza day

Last week 5RL were lucky enough to make pizza in our wonderful kitchen garden with Seila using the Pizza oven...

The Pizza Oven!

The ladies and their delicious pizza

The boys relaxing

Pizza time!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

The Zoo!

5RL had an awesome time at the zoo on Monday. We found lots of on information to help us with our Inquiry into the Adaptations of living things - here are some highlights...

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Book Week!

Here are some highlights of book week...
Nathan - no, Max - yes

Chimney Sweeps - with a photo bomb

Chimney sweeps - with hat, no photo bomb

Robin Hood

Zac Power


Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Science Incursion

We are in the middle of science week right now! Here are some pictures from our Science incursion a couple of weeks ago...


Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Fraction Fun

Here is some work 5RL completed today!

Fractions by Cameron

Fractions by Kiara

Fractions by Lauren

Fractions by Reid